Below is a video that demonstrates the iLAPP listening exercise when engaging with a family member or friend over an issue with which you disagree. This one is on gun control.
The iLAPP structured listening was developed by David Lapp, one of the co-founders of Braver Angels. As you watch this short video you will notice each of the iLAPP elements:
INVITE a conversation (e.g. "is this a good time?")
LISTEN (e.g. "Help me understand more about your thoughts." "I'm curious about how you came to hold your opinion on this.")
ACKNOWLEDGE (e.g. "What I hear you saying is... Did I get that right"?)
PIVOT (e.g. "I agree with you that... OR I'm with you on..." "I have a different perspective on that. Are you willing hear it?")
PERSPECTIVE Offer your own POV.